Friday, January 23, 2015

January 2015 Meeting - Just Desserts

According to WiseGeek the phrase "just desserts" is an eggcorn which is a spelling error that is based upon a mishearing or misspelling at some time.  It was originally "just deserts".  It is based upon the word "deservire" or "desert" which has meant "to deserve" since the 13th century.  So the phrase may mean you pretty much get what you deserve.

 Tracy deconstructed a Godiva Chocolate Box for her piece.  She used the gold foil, the tissue and parts of the box design to create her flower.

Bebe used a cherry on top of CoolWhip for her inspiration.  She thread painted the manipulated photo for a luscious dessert!

 Judy collaged fabric and paper from magazines to create her piece on canvas.  She also printed from gel plates and stitched using 12 weight threads.

glen paperpieced a birthday cake with a beaded icing base.  It is bound with an orange flange.

Renee appliqued two crane fabrics to create the illusion the cranes were moving between the two spaces.

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